Camp Demigod (Camp Half-Blood)
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Camp Demigod (Camp Half-Blood)
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Camp Demigod (Camp Half-Blood)
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Join date : 2019-10-14

Ophelia Kulter Empty Ophelia Kulter

Sat Oct 26, 2019 2:51 pm
Ophelia/Marcus Kulter




A prankster with not much of a consciousness, Ophelia can be considered mean and inconsiderate towards others. She is sweet and ultimately just seeks to find people to love and cherish but showing that is a big no no, emotions are a weakness. So she just pranks away and some times sliiightly bullies and terrorizes people but she really doesn’t mean to. She’s not the most open person and not at all in touch with her feelings so the only way to express herself she knows is messing with others and hoping they can take it. She is a player but not flirty, quite blunt actually.

Flaws (three or more):
Reckless, act first think later attitude, emotionally handicapped, childish, mean facade

Eye color:
Green but different shades when girl/boy

Hair description:
Ophelia’s is long, wavy and dyed orange (naturally light brown). Marcus’ chestnut brown, warmer and darker than his sister’s natural colour, short but full and wild.

5’4’’ and 5’ 7’’ girl/boy

Skin tone:
Ophelia is slightly paler than Marcus but they’re both pretty light


Body structure:
Ophelia is lean but strong, lot of muscles from all her training. Marcus is more stocky and less muscular but still toned

Other details?:
She prefers hand to hand combat and has ignored any specific weapon training but still knows the basics. She also has basic acrobatics training and a lot of experience with mixed martial arts.

Place of Birth (city, state, country):  
Wichita (Kells said so)

Mortal Parent:
Amanda Kutler, dolphin zookeeper

God Parent:

Abilities (doesn't use energy to do):
She can turn into her twin brother, Marcus. Her dad was known for his shapeshifting abilities and it is something the conditions of the pregnancy allowed her to inherit. She mostly uses it to pull pranks on people but she has in the past fooled people she wanted to date who were not into girls.

Powers (uses energy to do):
Due to her shapeshifting ability, Ophelia shows less water powers. She can control about 2 litters of water for 10 minutes and needs about half an hour of rest. She can also control it’s form and temperature, turning it from ice to boiling hot mist but the previous limitations still apply.

Pets (if any):
None, having grown up in a zoo they don’t really believe in keeping animals captive

History (four sentences or more):
Ophelia was supposed to be one of two twins but she absorbed her brother in the womb. That is the cause of her shapeshifting ability. It went unnoticed for a while, the first few months of her life, where she would only change for mere seconds and mainly when she was sleeping. One night her mother went to feed her and found Marcus instead. She had a full blown panic attack until Ophelia turned back in a fit of giggles. Her mother figured it out after a while but decided to keep the baby contained until she could control it and be taught when it was okay to turn. Which was easy considering she was a loner and didn’t have a lot of friends. Even when Ophelia grew, her mom kept her on a tight leash since she had shown her prankster antics from a very early stage by scaring the crap out of her that night. Ophelia pretty much lived in the zoo, which she didn’t mind since it was a small enough and safe enough place and thus she could be more in touch with her powers than other demigods. She also started attending camp at the early age of 5 so as to get better acclimated and socialize. She moved in permanently at around 16, when she dropped out of school and decided to become a swimming coach at camp.

Female FC: Kat McNamara, Male FC: Leo Howard
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